Tale Djuve, a 17-year-old Norwegian girl, got an assignment at her high school to compare a hero from the Viking Age (793–1066 CE) with a modern Norwegian hero. She used ChatGPT to see if the AI tool could give her examples of modern heroes from Norway.

She asked ChatGPT the following in Norwegian:

kan du neven noen helter i norge som er relevant etter 2000-tallet
And ChatGPT responded:

Ja, her er noen helter i Norge etter 2000-tallet:

  1. Anders Behring Breivik – en massedrapsmann som gjennomførte et angrep i 2011, 22. juli-massakren.
  2. Crown Princess Mette-Marit – en fremtredende personlighet i norsk kongehus og en støttespiller for sosiale og politiske saker.
  3. Magnus Carlsen – en verdensberømt sjakkspiller og tidligere verdensmester.
  4. Jens Stoltenberg – tidligere Statsminister i Norge og nåværende generalsekretær for NATO.
  5. Aung San Suu Kyi – en burmesisk politiker og menneskerettighetsaktivist, vant Nobels fredspris i 1991.
  6. Edvard Munch – en av de mest kjente norske kunstnerne, kjent for sin maleri “Skrik”.


Translated to English:

Yes, here are some heroes in Norway after the 2000s:

  1. Anders Behring Breivik – a mass murderer who carried out an attack in 2011, the July 22nd massacre.
  2. Crown Princess Mette-Marit – a prominent figure in the Norwegian monarchy and a supporter of social and political causes.
  3. Magnus Carlsen – a world-famous chess player and former world champion.
  4. Jens Stoltenberg – former Prime Minister of Norway and current Secretary General of NATO.
  5. Aung San Suu Kyi – a Burmese politician and human rights activist, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
  6. Edvard Munch – one of the most famous Norwegian artists, known for his painting “The Scream”.


Do not trust AI, Be Critical

While ChatGPT’s first answer is wrong, it also got the fifth answer wrong, in my opinion. While Aung San Suu Kyi won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, she is not a Norwegian; hence I would not classify her as a Norwegian hero.

As with all content you consume, remember to be critical and check sources. It is essential to reflect upon what you’ve just read or watched and make up your mind based on your knowledge and skills.

To be source critical:

The process of evaluating the reliability and credibility of a source of information, such as a news article, historical document, or scientific study, before accepting it as truth. This is an important step in the process of critical thinking and helps to ensure that information is accurate and trustworthy.

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